Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Strangled Free Videos Agree Or Disagree - Political Correctness Is Strangling Reality & Free Speech?

Agree or disagree - political correctness is strangling reality & free speech? - strangled free videos

Essentially the people are all different. Man, woman, of a particular nationality or ethnic group.

Some people are naturally better able than others on certain things. Some personality traits of others.

But do you think the obsession with political correctness is the beginning of realistic (if sometimes difficult influence) truths? The fact that not all will agree with me, and everyone is also available for different functions?

Do you fear, as a non-PC it is, people are given freedom of speech not so free to frighten?

Creating a rigid conformity to an idea that we all go to?

Do you think the world would be a better place if we are to accept our differences and work realistically - rather than trying to square pegs into round holes, and the ideals of personal computers in general?


-Tequila... said...

Not only kill freedom of expression ", but impeded our ability to know our" enemies ".

If you are a fan, I would like to know who you are and where you are.

The only way I can contact you ....

A better question would be how seemingly innocuous, is that freedom of expression has deteriorated.

An important newscaster was probably shot ... Maybe ... Correct information about past presidents military history.

It was huge!

But I am sure you will find newstory about Paris Hilton .....

"There are so blind as those who do not want to see."


Heart of the Ocean. said...

Everything I say is that I'm really tired of all this political correctness, should be careful what we say or do I even outside his own house, I always believed that we should be able to say what they really think I agree with you that not all of us will continue with others, since everyone else with different ideas, after all life, if not totally different from not boring

Ketan said...

I agree. Political correctness kills honesty and sincerity, which leads to more corruption.

The world will surely be a better place without him.

Finchy said...

Damn crackers now fatties are fun in some Latin-1.

Absolutely mental Issachar Professor (1337 certification)

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